Natural Units


Natural units are popular in high-energy physics. They help to discard constants from physics formulas, simplify expressions and make physical relations between seemingly disparate quantities like mass, linear momentum amd emergy glaringly obvious.

The introdction of the SI system of units, defining units by fixing the values of certain universal constants, makes introducing natural units more intuitive. Instead of fixing the values of the defining constants one goes a step further: set their values to unity and drop their units.
That approach ultimately leads to a single unit, which is often energy measured in Joule or electron-volt. Energy is a good choice since it exists in various manifestations of energy, but can neither increase nor decrease in its total amount of energy.


The approach described here was inspired by a paper published by Prof. Alan L. Myers of the University of Pennsylvania. That paper can be found here:
A, L, Myers paper : NaturalUnits.pdf
Prof. Myers' approach was extended to handle both natural and geoemtric units. Python scripts allow to convert between SI and natural units with ease and to perform calculations using natural units.
Download a local zip file with the code here:


SI units are defined, starting with the hyperfine transition frequency of cesium-133, by the values of the constants c, $\hbar$, e, $k_B$, $N_A$ and a constant for luminous efficiency.
To create natural units, all the constants are set to unity, except for, to remain consistent with Sommerfeld's fine-structure constant, electric charge. For electromagnetism $k_Q = \sqrt{\hbar\,c\,\varepsilon_0} = 1$. For the remainder one sets $c = \hbar = k_B = N_A = 1$ and drops their units. This implies that $\varepsilon_0 = \mu_0 = 1$, since $\varepsilon_0\,\mu_0\,c^2 = 1$.


In order to derive a matrix that transforms between SI and natural units, one first chooses a base unit X. A natural choice for natural units is energy measure in Joule or elecztonvolt. The conversion condition is
$$ \large{kg^{i_1}\ m^{i_2}\ s^{i_3} A^{i_4} K^{i_5} mol^{i_6} cd^{i_7} = X^{v_1}\ c^{v_2}\ \hbar^{v_3} k_Q^{v_4} k_B^{v_5} N_A^{v_6} k_{cd}^{v_7}} $$
One writes the $i_n$ as a column vector and each of the $U^{v_n}$ as a column in a matrix. For instance, if [X] = Joule, then $[X]^{v_1} = v_1\,(1,\,2,\,-2,\,0\,...)^T$, since $[J] = kg^1\,m^2\,s^{-2}$. Hence the equation above leads to
$$ \Large{ \text{K} = \begin{pmatrix} u_{11} & u_{21} & \dots & u_{71}\\ u_{12} & u_{22} & \dots & u_{72} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ u_{17} & u_{27} & \dots & u_{77} \\ \end{pmatrix}} $$
and the equation becomes
$$\Large{\vec{i}^T = K\cdot\vec{v}^T}$$

Physical Units in Natural Units

Once a base unit has been chosen, using the above conversion matrix, physical quantities can be expressed in this base unit. If one wishes to convert natural back to SI units, one also needs to keep track of the constants involved in the conversion. otherwise they can be ignored. The table below shows some physical quantities exoressed in natural units. The SI cilumn refers to |X| = 1, e.g. |mass| = 1 kg.

$$ \large{ \begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline \text{SI} & \text{NU} & \text{X} & \text{Units} \\ \hline\hline mass & 8.9876e+16 & J & c^{-2} \\ length & 3.1630e+25 & J^{-1} & c\ \hbar \\ time & 9.4825e+33 & J^{-1} & \hbar \\ velocity & 3.3356e-09 & 1 & c \\ acceleration & 3.5177e-43 & J & c\ \hbar^{-1} \\ momentum & 2.9979e+08 & J & c^{-1} \\ force & 3.1615e-26 & J^2 & c^{-1}\ \hbar^{-1} \\ energy & 1.0000e+00 & J & \\ density & 2.8401e-60 & J^4 & c^{-5}\ \hbar^{-3} \\ pressure & 3.1600e-77 & J^4 & c^{-3}\ s\hbar^{-3} \\ charge & 1.8901e+18 & 1 & k_Q \\ temperature & 1.3806e-23 & J & k_B^{-1} \\ \hline \end{array}} $$
One can then easily see, why potentials like the gravitational potential need to be $r^{-1}$ potentials.
$$ \large{ \begin{align} U &= G\frac{M_1\,M_2}{r}\\ [U] &= [G]\,[M]^2\,[r^{-1}]\\ \text{J} &= \text{J}^{-2}\times\text{J}^2\times\text{J} \end{align}} $$
Were the r-dependence of gravitation any different, the constant G would need to have different units. While that also follows from the physical units representation, it is much easier to spot when using natural units. To convert natural to SI units one would use. with $UNITS = |Units|\times [Units]$
$$ \large{ \text{SI} = \text{NU}\times UNITS} $$